Power electronic device PowerElectronicDevice Also called the power semiconductor, high-power usually mean the electric current as several dozen to several kiloamperes used for in conversion of electrical energy and electric energy controlling circuit, the voltage is several hundred volts of the above Electronic device. Since latter stage of the eighties, the development of the electric electronic devices and components successively went through rectifier era, inverter era and frequency converter era, promoted the application in a lot of new developing fields of electric electron technology at the same time.
High frequency of collection represented by power MOSFET and IGBT developed in latter stage of the eighties and initial stage of the 1990s, high pressure and heavy current have indicated traditional electric electron technology and already entered modern electric and electronic era in one suit of power semiconductor multiple devices.
Including frequency converter, electric energy quality products and electronic power supply products look like the electricity to the transformation in the inner electric electronic device, machinery, mining and metallurgy, traffic, chemical industry, the light textile is in inner traditional industry and to the spaceflight, the laser, communication, robot are essential in the inner new high-tech industry and efficient utilization energy that the country supports and supports at present.
C.I: 17.557.095
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